Unified Digital Learning Platform

Prozo Publishing

Prozo Publishing

A one-of-its-kind publishing organization, Prozo is highly focused on offering theme-based learning methodology in all of its books, which are as per the syllabi outlined by various boards of education.

At Prozo, we believe that along with education, children should also imbibe a value system that enriches their learning and knowledge, and supports their overall development, beyond just books.

All Prozo physical books come with comprehensive digital learning content comprising audio-video learning modules, interactive flip books and much more. Come, join us in this learning mission!

K-8 Books

With a determined approach to making learning better, we have launched course books for classes Nursery to VIII in various subjects.
  • Books for Generation Alpha - With a global perspective in mind, our books help impart wholesome learning that is ideal for the generation alpha learners. Generation alpha learners learn through curiosity & experience and have lesser attention spans.

  • Unique learning approach - Our content is structured with a judicious mix of pep activities, concepts, examples, exercises, assignments, and revision material. The learning pedagogies used in Prozo books are subject and age specific. Our books have byte-size learning concepts that are easy to learn and retain.

  • Teacher’s Resource Pack - A resourceful teacher handbook that assists teachers in imparting knowledge, along with answer keys and activities for students.

  • Comprehensive Digital content - We have developed comprehensive digital content that can be accessed on desktop computer as well as mobile. With the help of a admin module, a teacher can access what learning material should have access to students.

Computer Pro

A futuristic series educating students about the latest technologies and their usage, beyond just computers.
  • Practical approach – Focus on the day-to-day use of technology and relevance of computers in today’s world, beyond just basic knowledge.

  • Visual guidance – Optimum utilization of explanatory charts and screenshots to guide the students in a better and easier manner.

  • Technological onboarding – Topics related to upcoming technology like IoT, Cloud Computing, Mobile Technology have been included.

  • Future-ready – Introduction to new software and language (MS Office 2016, Photoshop CC, Animate CC, Java, etc.)

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Le Francais Pour Vous

A four-volume foundation series with coursebook and workbook for the French Language, created with a special focus on the usage of French in a real-life scenario. The bilingual nature of the books and gradual, age-appropriate gradation ensures learning French is fun and easy!
  • Simplified Language Learning: – basic concepts beginning with the alphabet and numbers have been explained in such a way as not to confuse in young minds. This has been further reinforced by adding sufficient illustrations.

  • Use Of Contextual Content – have attempted to make the lessons on France and the French culture more up to date by adding sections on contemporary France. The lessons have been prepared, keeping in mind the evolution of French society, to give the young learners a small taste of the modern French culture.

  • Practice-Led Learning – have added a sufficient number of exercises to enable the students to hone their grammatical and writing skills, at the same time attempting not to cause boredom and disinterest through too many identical and repetitive exercises.

  • Error-Free & Bias-Free Content – content used in the books have been thoroughly checked for errors as well as for social, gender, and religious bias.

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GK Pro

A set of 8 encyclopedia-like general knowledge textbooks for students, that enhances awareness of the world around them.
  • Thematic Learning – of topics are covered under relevant themes in all books giving continuity to learning.

  • Real-Life Examples Based Learning – Practical approach based learning for better assimilation of concepts..

  • 21st Century Topics – Most relevant & current topics covered to drive holistic learning of children to transform them into a global citizen.

  • Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) – Topics are covered in a way to motivate children to think and apply the concepts rather than cramming.

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Chubby Cheeks Level A

Level A is meant for kids for the age of 3.5 to 4.5 Years or Nursery level kids.
  • Integrated Content Approach – The content is cross-curriculum-integrated-content and has activities involving multiple senses and skills based on real-life examples. The books have been designed keeping contextual learning in mind..

  • Gen Alpha Specific Learning Pedagogy – The content is contextual & integrated. It is reinforced through fun-filled individual and group exercises and is presented to learners in an experiential and experimental way. The content flows through 5-7 levels of reinforcements and ensures the best retention in young minds.

  • Curiosity-Led Learning Approach – content has been created keeping in mind the post-book, post-class learning stage of a child. The children would like to further explore and learn about the topics and will further engage with their parents and siblings.

Chubby Cheeks Level B

Level A is meant for kids for the age of 4.5 to 5.5 Years or Lower Kindergarten level kids.
  • Integrated Content Approach – The content is cross-curriculum-integrated-content and has activities involving multiple senses and skills based on real-life examples. The books have been designed keeping contextual learning in mind..

  • Gen Alpha Specific Learning Pedagogy – The content is contextual & integrated. It is reinforced through fun-filled individual and group exercises and is presented to learners in an experiential and experimental way. The content flows through 5-7 levels of reinforcements and ensures the best retention in young minds.

  • Curiosity-Led Learning Approach – content has been created keeping in mind the post-book, post-class learning stage of a child. The children would like to further explore and learn about the topics and will further engage with their parents and siblings.

Chubby Cheeks Level C

Level A is meant for kids for the age of 5.5 to 6.5 Years and for Senior/Upper Kindergarten level kids
  • Integrated Content Approach – The content is cross-curriculum-integrated-content and has activities involving multiple senses and skills based on real-life examples. The books have been designed keeping contextual learning in mind..

  • Gen Alpha Specific Learning Pedagogy – The content is contextual & integrated. It is reinforced through fun-filled individual and group exercises and is presented to learners in an experiential and experimental way. The content flows through 5-7 levels of reinforcements and ensures the best retention in young minds.

  • Curiosity-Led Learning Approach – content has been created keeping in mind the post-book, post-class learning stage of a child. The children would like to further explore and learn about the topics and will further engage with their parents and siblings.

EVS & Science Pro

  • Intelligent gradation of the science topics: – The topics are graded classwise in an intelligent manner so that learning is easy, structured, reinforced and retained.continuity to learning.

  • Topic-based learning approach – While there is a consistent scientific structure followed to explain each chapter, chapters are also modified based on the type of topics. Some topics need more theoretical explanation, while others need a more project-based approach.

  • Proven Learning Pedagogy – Excite, Read, Learn, Test & Reinforce - The chapters are based on a proven learning pedagogy wherein each topic is introduced to students in an exciting manner (Excite), followed by an explanation of the concept (Read). The topic is further built up by introducing flow charts, Venn-diagrams as necessary (Learn). This is followed by quick exercises to check whether the topic has been fully understood (Test) and finally, revisions tests are introduced to assess the learning (Reinforce).

  • Activities & Exam Oriented – Myriad of activities are introduced such as Inferential questions, in-text questions, Revision Blurbs, MCQs, Match the Columns, True/False, Fill in the Blanks, One- word Answer, Picture – based Questions, Short and Long Answer Type Questions to prepare children for the exam. Further, In-classroom and field activities are introduced to develop the understanding of concepts in context to everyday life.

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A pioneering series of worksheet-style English Grammar books devised with a modernistic approach.
  • Activity-led learning – Pep activities to stimulate a child’s imagination and spark creativity.

  • Exercise-driven approach – Worksheets to ensure better knowledge retention for students.

  • Meticulously crafted Grammar Grid – As per syllabi mandates, yet customized to the learning needs of students with smooth transition between standards.

  • Wholesome learning, beyond just Grammar – Content developed with a global perspective in mind; bearing resemblance to a child’s environment in the present day and age.

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Parmodham Series ( Telugu )

  • Workbook cum Textbook: Prozo’s Telugu learning series is a combination of textbook and workbook. Students will have an opportunity to practise the language learning concepts after learning the fundamentals of Telugu Language.

  • Age and Class Appropriate Gradation: The “Pramodham Telugu Series” is thoughtfully designed to give a seamless learning experience to the students. The concepts and exercises are graded appropriately to ensure that learning is easy to attain & assimilate.

  • Genuine Social Interactions Based Learning: The examples given the Telugu Series relate with the real-life examples in student’s lives. This brings a higher degree of social connection to learning and learning gets consolidated faster.

  • Holistic Learning: Pramodhan Telugu series ensures that all fundamental blocks of language learning are taken care of; be it reading, writing or speaking. Comprehension is a special focus area in the books along with assessment modules.

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